Chlorine in Your Clothes

August 12, 2011 at 6:58 pm Leave a comment

Many people are now waking up to the fact that the same chlorine used to ‘disinfect’ our water, is slowly poisoning our bodies.  As alarming as many scientists find the levels of toxic chemicals and pollutants in our water supply to be, we consumers are mostly oblivious to the fact that our families are slowly being poisoned.

If water looks clean coming out of the tap, we assume it must be safe. The amounts of toxins may be small, but we need to drink as much water as we can to be healthy. It’s the ultimate paradox: With every life-giving drop, we accumulate more and more of the bad stuff in our systems. To prevent this from happening, more and more consumers are purchasing filtration systems for their drinking water, shower and even whole home systems to prevent this and other contaminants from entering their homes and bodies.

But did you know the same low levels of chlorine in your home’s tap water can also cause great damage to your clothing? Chlorine is highly oxidizing, meaning it damages everything it comes in contact with. Chlorine will stiffen you fabrics and overtime, it will wear out the elasticity and fade the color of your laundry. You can choose to filter your laundry, however these filters don’t come cheap.

The SmartKlean Laundry Ball significantly reduces chlorine from the water during the wash cycles. One of the ceramic mineral components contains anti-chlorine properties which reduces chlorine levels in water to about 90%. This can easily be tested at home with chlorine test drops found in a local pool supply store or online. On the image below on the left, the yellowing in the water indicates the high chlorine levels in the tap water. On the right, we see the water that has been in contact with the laundry ball (with slight agitation) for about 10-15 minutes.

The Chlorine Test

What else causes fading in laundry?
It’s also important to note that many brand name detergents contain ingredients that fade fabrics. While keeping laundry white,  bleach and optical brighteners are known to have the potential to fade the laundry. Dark and brightly colored items tend to be the worst when it comes to fading. Washing with hot or warm water can also fade dark clothing.

The SmartKlean Laundry Ball is a product 100% free of detergents, bleach, optical brighteners and harsh chemicals. It washes all fabrics beautifully and safely in cold water. Its components are derived of basic minerals and plant-based ingredients to perform a high-quality natural wash intended to prolong the life of your precious wardrobe at less than 1 cent per load! In addition to this, since there are no soaps, chemicals or additives, you don’t need to worry about colors bleeding! However, it is still recommended to separate colors from whites to keep whites bright, specially with new fabrics.

The SmartKlean Laundry Ball comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Buy it here.

Entry filed under: Smart Laundry Tips.

Mommy Reviews the SmartKlean Laundry Ball…again! The Smell of Clean?

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